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Legacy of Love: Sharing a Classic Mitsubishi Minica F4 Across Generations

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TEXT: 長尾 循(NAGAO Jun)  PHOTO: 長尾 循(NAGAO Jun)

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Minica F4 is carefully maintained while sharing with family

Mitsubishi kei-cars are among the rarest 360cc era cars that are rarely seen. One such Mitsubishi “Minica” of 1972, in the rare Super Deluxe model, was shown at the event by its female owner, Ms. “Ran”. We asked the young owner about how she came to drive this car.

Returned to the road a vehicle that had been lying in a garage for a long time

The Subaru 360, Honda’s N series, and Suzuki’s Fronte Coupe are the majority of the 360cc era kei-cars that are major players at historic car events. Mitsubishi kei-cars from this era are rarely seen. This was the only Mitsubishi 360cc car at the event. Moreover, even among the Minicas of this generation, the fact that it was a Super Deluxe model rather than a sporty model such as the Skipper GT is rather unusual nowadays.

The owner of this Mitsubishi Minica, Ms. “Ran” answered. The year of the car was 1972, so it was the third generation of the “Minica F4. At the time, Mitsubishi passenger cars were solidly designed and reliable, but at the same time, they lacked flamboyance. How did you come to own such a Minica F4 in the first place?

“This Minica was originally my grandfather’s car. By the time I was a child, it had already been almost unused and had been sitting in the garage for a long time. But about 10 years ago, he had it inspected again and got it back on the road. I also got my driver’s license right after I turned 18, so from then on, I started sharing this Minica F4 with my grandfather.”






A 20th birthday present from my grandfather

Ms. “Ran” loves the fact that it is small, maneuverable, and more like a “passenger car” than a kei-truck. Then, for her 20th birthday, her grandfather gave her a “present” of this Minica F4 in her name.

“The car is now in my name, but I still share it with my grandpa when I need it,” said Ms. “Ran”.

She has been driving this Minica F4 ever since. These days, she participates in events like this in addition to her daily riding.

“But we have a lot of snow around here, so I lift it up and put it in hibernation during the winter,” she says.

Minica, a gift from Grandpa, is very much cherished by the family. I hope the whole family will continue to ride the Minica for a long time to come.




