MINICA(Minica) 記事一覧

Height of Functionality: Exploring the Early Super Tall Kei Wagons
In exchange for preferential tax treatment, light cars have restrictions on body size, displacement, and seating capacity. As you know, super-height mini-wagons have been born and are gaining popularity. There are various theories about the original model of such a super-height light wagon, but Mitsubishi's Minica Toppo, released in March 1990, is one that was ahead of its time.

Legacy of Love: Sharing a Classic Mitsubishi Minica F4 Across Generations
Mitsubishi kei-cars are among the rarest 360cc era cars that are rarely seen. One such Mitsubishi "Minica" of 1972, in the rare Super Deluxe model, was shown at the event by its female owner, Ms. "Ran". We asked the young owner about how she came to drive this car.

Legacy of Minica: The Hidden Gems of Mitsubishi
A large number of 360cc kei-cars gathered in Osaka. We focus on one car we saw at the event. This time we introduce the Mitsubishi Minica Skipper, a small sports coupe. This car, which looks like a compact version of the Galant GTO, was a short-lived classic.