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Essence of Control: Optimizing a Toyota 86 for Circuit Joyrides

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TEXT: 加茂 新(KAMO Arata)  PHOTO: 宮越孝政(MIYAKOSHI Takamasa)

  • Mr. Yamaji's Toyota 86
  • Mr. Yamaji's Toyota 86
  • Mr. Yamaji's Toyota 86
  • Mr. Yamaji's Toyota 86
  • Mr. Yamaji's Toyota 86
  • Mr. Yamaji's Toyota 86
  • Mr. Yamaji's Toyota 86
  • Mr. Yamaji's Toyota 86
  • Mr. Yamaji's Toyota 86
  • Mr. Yamaji's Toyota 86
  • Mr. Yamaji's Toyota 86

The Toyota 86 is the four-wheeled vehicle that a former motorcycle rider chose for the circuit

A wide variety of cars from different genres participated in a driving event held by TRIAL, a long-established tuning store in Osaka, at Okayama International Circuit in the spring of 2024. The red-bodied Toyota “86” has traveled about 45,000 km since Mr. Yamaji purchased it, but he only drives it to and from the race sessions and on the circuit. What kind of specifications does he enjoy driving on the circuit?

He has mastered the art of light tuning to enjoy the track days to the fullest

Mr. Hiroyuki Yamaji originally enjoyed circuit driving with a motorcycle, but decided to drive a car because motorcycles can be dangerous. He chose the Toyota 86.

He bought it from a dealership where it had been used as a test car and had run 5,000 km. It now has 60,000 km on it, but he only drives it when he goes to driving events, which shows how much he loves to drive.

The suspension is HKS HIPERMAX IV SP, which is designed for circuit use. Although some parts feel a little stiff when driving on the streets, Mr. Yamaji mainly drives on the circuit and only drives on the streets to and from the circuit, so the IV SP is exactly what he was looking for.

The LSD combined with the IV SP is OS Giken’s Super Lock LSD for improved traction performance. The final gear was changed from the stock 4.1 to 4.5. Although a shorter gear ratio does not necessarily make the car faster, a 4.5 gear ratio does increase acceleration. The rest is a matter of course. The body was strengthened with CUSCO floor bars front and rear to balance the overall strength.

It can be said that keeping the tuning to a light tune is also a trick to enjoy driving without breaking down.

The catalyzer deteriorated due to too much driving

In addition, since the shaking of the transmission and drivetrain is related to the response of the car when driving on the circuit, a transmission mount collar was installed, and a differential mount collar was also installed. On the power side, HKS Flash Editor was used to improve power and response.

The exhaust system was previously equipped with a sports catalyzer, but due to excessive driving, the catalyzer deteriorated and it became rather difficult to generate power. So now we are using a stock catalyzer and adjusting it with a flash editor.

Mr. Yamaji says that the beauty of the 86 is that it is RWD, light, and easy to drive, and he enjoys circuit driving to the fullest. He is now 56 years old, and his goal is to enjoy circuit driving even after he turns 60.




