MARCH(March) 記事一覧

Craftsmanship of Customization: The Unique Appeal of Nissan’s March Bolero A30
AUTECH Japan has introduced numerous customized models to the world as a specialist for Nissan vehicles. However, the company's name has now changed to the AUTECH division of Nissan Motorsports & Customizing Co. In 2016, AUTECH released the Nissan March Bolero A30 in a limited edition of 30 units as a model to commemorate the 30th anniversary of its founding. Here is a look back at its shocking contents.

Vintage Vibe, Modern Twist: Nissan March-Based ‘Fairlady’ Custom Unveiled by Students
Nissan Automobile Technical College is known for producing high-profile customized cars, and at the Nostalgic 2 Days event in February 2024, students from the customization department displayed the 'SETO' and 'I'm march', which have many old car elements. This section looks at the unique customization points of the students, which surprised the teaching staff.