- hybrid car
「hybrid car」の記事一覧

Elegance of Simplicity: Transforming a Prius with USDM Style
Japanese cars running in the U.S. have different specifications in minor details due to differences in laws and regulations. The customization to enjoy dressing up such American specifications is called USDM = North American specifications. Let us introduce you to the Toyota Prius, an attractive car with a casual dress-up style that incorporates such USDM style.

Inside the 5th Gen Toyota Prius: Exploring the Redefined Hybrid Experience
At the end of last year, the 2023-2024 Japan Car of the Year was awarded to the Toyota Prius, which underwent a full model change to its fifth generation in January 2023. A young motor journalist from Generation Z actually test-drove the Prius and checked it out in a variety of situations.

How To keep Driving Honda Insight, A 25 Year Old Hybrid Car
The Honda Insight began with the first generation (ZE1), which was introduced in 1999, followed by the second generation (ZE2/3), launched in 2009, and the third generation (ZE4) in 2018. Intrigued by the beautiful and rare car, we interviewed its owner, Hirotaka Sonoda.