MIDGET(Midget) 記事一覧

Evolution of Performance: How a Daihatsu Midget II Transformed from Delivery Van to Circuit Racer
Mr. "Nekomanma" enjoys circuit driving as a hobby after modifying his Daihatsu Midget II, a unique one-seater ultra-compact car. He has evolved the Midget II, which was designed for small-lot deliveries, into a "driving car" through extensive tuning, and despite its cute looks, it delivers tremendous power.

Passion of Preservation: The Story of a Legendary Daihatsu Collector
At a classic car event, we found a Daihatsu Midget with a huge collection of miniature cars and other goods lined up inside. We thought this collection was something out of the ordinary, so we approached the owner, Mr. Ryoichi Ohashi. He is a collector of Daihatsu Compagno Berlina and Compagno Spyder, and who is well-known in the classic car world.