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Interview with STI’s New President: The BRZ Developer’s New Role at STI

Key person in the design and development of the first-generation BRZ

The first Toyota 86 and Subaru BRZ were born in 2012. Subaru was in charge of design and production, and it was the new STI president, Mr. Hiromi Tamou, who led the project. He was the central figure, so to speak, of Subaru’s hotshot engineers, whose names were mentioned on various occasions by the Toyota engineers involved in the joint development. How will he use his skills, which enabled him to successfully carry out joint development with Toyota, a difficult undertaking, to deepen STI this time? We had the opportunity to interview the new president, who has only just taken office.

“If my heart isn’t passionate, I can’t get on with my job!”

When the details of the second generation GR86 & BRZ were revealed, we felt that the first-generation had proved its perfection. Of course, development costs would have been strongly limited and resources may have been insufficient for major modifications. Nevertheless, the development engineers of the second generation made effective modifications to increase its potential and finish it. This was only possible because the framework of the first generation had been completed. The man responsible for the development and design of the first generation was Mr. Hiromi Tamou. Coming from a body design background, he was probably the most suitable person for the role.

“I think I just happened to be lucky. I was able to work on a car like this, which I think probably every engineer would have wanted to do. In that sense, I am also grateful to the company.”

The interview began with a soft and gentle impression, unlike the stiff image I had heard from the engineers on the Toyota side. Of course, 12 years ago he was 12 years younger and seemed more intense. Let’s start with his involvement with the first generation. How long were you involved with the BRZ after its launch?

“I had moved to the advanced development department, but I was also looking at the BRZ for a while. I also had discussions with Mr. Tada about what to do next. We also talked about what we were going to do next. I also received offers to take part in events, but I turned them all down. I’m not very good at public speaking…”

“We did everything we could within the basic package”

Is the fact that engineers from the Toyota side initially appeared on various occasions, while the Subaru side was overshadowed, partly because Mr. Tamou did not appear in the public eye? How did he feel about the subsequent evolution of the first generation?

“Even when I was still in charge, there was a lot of talk about making it more powerful, or making it faster, or making it have a lower center of gravity. Some people around us wanted to add a turbo, but we couldn’t because there wasn’t enough space, and the center of gravity was at its limit, so it was impossible. In that sense, I think it was good that we increased the engine displacement in the new model. There were things like reinforcing the body a little during the evolutionary process, but we had done everything we could within the basic package and layout. That’s why I think my successor was in trouble.”

The distance between the 86 and BRZ changed as the first generation was steadily matured through annual improvements. Specifically, the 86’s suspension settings became closer to those of the BRZ, with the BRZ side getting a taste for things like EPS control and steering dampers, and in the later years, the driving character became much closer.

“There were parts where the knowledge from Toyota was put to good use”

“In many areas, there were parts that would have been better if Toyota had done it, and there were also some small details that we could see because it was Toyota. So it’s a mutual thing. The 86 indeed seems to have come closer to the BRZ in the more obvious areas such as suspension settings, but there were also areas where Toyota’s knowledge and expertise were used more on the inside, for example in the control. I think that was the value of the joint development.”

What is your view of the new BRZ?

“First of all, the engine displacement has been increased, making the car very easy to drive. The body rigidity has also been improved, so I think the car has evolved into a car that can be driven comfortably in a variety of situations. After all, there are things you can’t understand until you put it on the market. There are things you can’t see on the test track alone. You need a road to live on. I have the impression that the parts that came to light from this have been incorporated into the new model change.

Enjoys dirt track as a hobby and is very particular about driving

“I hate management, so I’ve always wanted to work in a job where I can think of new things on the spot as much as possible. Recently, though, I’ve been forced to do a bit of management.”

However, his position is already that of president, at the head of STI’s management. What is it like to be president in his own way?

“I guess it’s about what I’ve always wanted to do, or what everyone else wants to do, and how to create that vessel to make it happen. I want to have people resonate and share what I want to do, and I also want to advance what they want to do. At that time, I think it is the job of the president to lay the foundations for that. I honestly find that part interesting at the moment.”

He personally enjoys motorsports with dirt track as a hobby. He has a strong knowledge of cars and a strong passion for driving. What is the first priority of a car, in other words, what is the most important thing you demand? When asked, “The response to the steering wheel”, the answer was quick and clear.

The priority of the car is “the response of the steering wheel”

“Responsiveness, in other words, is the ease of driving. I’ve learned this from my seniors at Subaru, so I’d like to push it further and further. Some aspects are difficult to achieve in mass-produced models, so we want to realize these aspects with STI. This leads to a car that can be driven fast and with peace of mind.”

Subaru steering shafts have a structure that bends twice at an almost right-angle angle to avoid the horizontally opposed engine, which is disadvantageous in terms of feel. That’s why Subaru engineers have continued to improve it, and the latest models use expensive double-pinion steering gears.

“In addition to those mechanical aspects, I think the body is also something to think about. Recently, EPS has been perfected, but there is a feeling that the car is trying to drive straight, but the human is bending it. The responsiveness is so high that it feels as if the car is turning because the driver is unconsciously operating the steering wheel based on past experience. How do we reconcile that?”

Good engineers are always greedy and their goals are always rising. That’s why we experience better and better things year after year.

“I want to refine the response of the steering wheel at STI”

“Recently, there have been fewer high-performance models in many ways. For me, I want to pursue responsiveness and ease of driving, and I think this is important for all cars, not just high-performance models. That’s why we are pursuing a response with STI, and I hope it will expand to Subaru as well. However, it is an important issue for STI whether to retain high-performance models in the future, and we would like to discuss this with Subaru.”

One trend in the world is BEVs. Subaru already has a Solterra in its line-up.

“After all, it’s a car, so I think it’s the same even if it’s an EV-how will STI be involved in that? We will think about it from now on. But because it’s electric, it’s very responsive. It doesn’t need to suck in air like an engine does, so the accelerator response can be more responsive. I think this is the appeal of electric vehicles. In that sense, I think there are a lot of dreams.”

In terms of electric power, hybrids will also proliferate among Subaru vehicles in the future.

“Nothing has been decided in that area yet, but you can look forward to it. I think STI’s mission as a company is to produce sharp things, things that Subaru can’t do. However, if you look at our feet, there are still areas where we are lacking, so we cannot do what we want to do unless we firmly establish those areas.

What exactly is it that is lacking?

“Wisdom and strength, I guess.”

Motorsport activities are also important for STI.

“I haven’t thought about specifics yet, but motorsport is a very important activity for the STI brand, so I’d like to think carefully about what form it should take in the medium to long term. After all, it’s all about competition, isn’t it? Competition is good, isn’t it? I think competition is a human instinct. As an engineer, I often feel frustrated, but that is important. It leads to the next step. If you don’t have a passionate heart, you can’t put any effort into your work.”

<Hiromi Tamou: Profile>

Joined Fuji Heavy Industries (now Subaru) in 1982. Worked in the Car Body Design Department of the Engineering Division, where he was in charge of the Leone, Alcyone SVX, Legacy, Impreza and BRZ. In April 2024, he was appointed President and Representative Director of Subaru Tecnica International Ltd.

translated by DeepL

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